Monday, May 24, 2010

Creative Rooms

I recently purchased the book The Home Within Us!  Not only are the pictures gorgeous, but the architect Bobby McAlpine explains perfectly the art of designing a beautiful home.  
He quotes, "What we crave in life is an outer beauty that reflects the gorgeous world inside us."  He goes on to explain that what we envision can become our reality, because we do have control over our own lives.  He quotes, "We do have the power to create our own environment--and our environment, in turn shapes us. 
Amen to that... he nailed it!! 

Here are some beautiful images created from the mind of Bobby McAlpine:

All images via "The Home Within Us"

 Bobby McApline says it perfectly:
"Where is the place that mirrors our hearts?  Where are we when we feel held and protected and whispered to?  Where does the content of our intimate exchanges ring most true?  By answering the questions of our hearts, the stronger among us become agents of change, making choices that advance the marriage of our interior and exterior lives."

Never be afraid to envision those things you love!
I hope you're all having a wonderful week!! 


  1. Bobby's got it goin on ...
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  2. I love the tall, narrow mirror propped against the bare wall...the reflection of the arch windows allows one to enjoy the windows a second time. Simple yet so stunning.

  3. Thanks for including us in your lovely blog!

  4. I just picked up this book last week. It was just the inspiration I needed on a cold rainy afternoon with a hot cup of tea.

  5. Thanks so much for bringing Bobby to my attention. I had never heard of him or seen his work. He writes exactly how I feel about my home and my relationship to it. Design is all about emotion, fantasy, and memory. It can unite all those different aspects of a person with a language that is visual, tactile and utilitarian. I am moved by the passages you quoted. The photos are jsut the icing on the cake. Just gorgeous!


  6. I can't say nothing else than GORGEOUS!!

  7. I bought this book a few weeks ago and have spent hours pouring over the pages. The front door you shared here is the inspiration for the entire front of the house on a new project in the country we are working on. Bobby Alpine is amazing.

  8. That looks like a inspirational book. Time to go to the bookstore. :-)

  9. Oh me oh my. So cool. Love those images especially the first door. Too Cool.
